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What Really Happens If You Don’t Get Your Beauty Sleep?

Jun 04, 21
Image of woman sleeping

Without seven or eight hours of good sleep – beauty sleep, if you will – you’re a mess, right? Groggy, irritable, tired, and confused, you are definitely not at your best.

Did you know your skin, eyes, brows, and lashes suffer more harm than you can imagine from nights of tossing and turning?

This Could Get Nasty

Lack of sleep is directly correlated to skin health. At night your skin gets oxygenated… that is, essential oxygen and nutrients in your blood come to the surface to literally “feed’ your skin. It’s nature’s way of keeping your youthful skin tone and elasticity. 

When sleep is compromised for a prolonged period the results are all too obvious. You look pale, drawn, and older. The once youthful glow begins to turn pallid. Lashes and brows can suffer, too. Let’s just say, it’s not the look we strive for. 

Healthier Lashes and Brows

Even if you’re not getting all the beauty rest you need you can help protect and nourish your lashes and brows. And it’s easy.

First, consider a silk pillow case. Why is that important? When you toss and turn, rubbing your face into the pillow you can really do damage. The culprit is plain old friction… you’re chafing your lashes and brows until they break or prematurely fall out. This advice is centuries old but it still makes good sense. And what’s better than a silk pillow case? Well, maybe sheets, too!

BTW, cleansing before bed goes a long way to better lash health. Forget using anything that’s harsh and drying. If you haven’t tried it yet, micellar water is, well, wonderful. To learn all about this miraculous water take a look at Micellar Water Lash Wash.

Now, go and get yourself some beauty sleep… that’s an order!

Micellar Water Lash Wash


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