Heim / Blogg / Uppgötvun

This New Year, Take Comfort in the Familiar

Jan 04, 21
Image of the top of a coffee mug filled with coffee and "2021" written in foam

Holidays are a time of honoring traditions - unfortunately,  this year’s celebrations are full of uncertainty. How can we celebrate if we can’t do the traditional things we look forward to each year? What is there to celebrate, anyway?

Though this year hasn’t looked the way most of us planned, there’s still plenty to celebrate. We celebrate our families, our friends, our strength and determination to get through 2020 with a modicum of style and grace. Of course, we celebrate those who have helped us survive this “Annus horribilis” (it means horrible year… we stole that from Queen Elizabeth). If any year qualifies for the title, it’s 2020!

So while this year hasn’t been perfect, there’s still plenty to celebrate and reflect on. Let’s reflect! 

What We Learned About Masks

When it comes to cosmetics, we’ve learned we can do without many of the potions and powders we once thought were essential. We know most are wearing less makeup under our masks, and truthfully, it’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened – it does happen to be easier and cheaper! 

On the flip side, masks highlight your eyes and brows, and if you’re not taking care of them, well, it’s more noticeable than ever! We’ve always been big lash and brow lovers (for obvious reasons!), but this pandemic has taken it to a whole new level now that eyes are the focus of the face!

New Year’s Resolution: Look Your Best, Feel Your Best

It’s not the time to pick and choose when to look your best… indoors or outdoors, in person or online, more than ever, looking and feeling beautiful matters.  During the dark winter months, when your mood can become sullen and you feel yourself sinking into the post-holiday blues, give yourself the present of beauty. Sure, maybe this year isn’t about glamorous parties, but it can still be about glamorous YOU. 

A few more thoughts for the New Year:

  • Don’t let six months indoors make you look 10 years older.
  • You're tired - mentally, emotionally, physically. But you absolutely don't have to look it.
  • Celebrate yourself! Give your everyday life some of the much needed ‘holiday glamour’ you’ll be missing out on.
  • Stun your family and friends with a fresher-looking, more vibrant you. It will do you and them a world of good.
  • Treat yourself! It’s been proven that getting ‘dressed up’ improves your mood. That absolutely includes your skincare/makeup routine.

So, boost those lashes, shape those brows, line those eyes, and celebrate yourself… show the world what you’re made of. After all, confidence is a beautiful thing that radiates out of you, and can lift others too!

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