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Beauty Products Made Beautifully

Mar 15, 21
Image of beaker filled with leaves with leaves laying around the beaker

When it comes to the cosmetic lotions, potions, creams, gels, and mascaras you use, there is one rule above all others: Don’t ever, ever, ever put anything “ugly” on your skin. 

Beauty products should be, well, beautifully made – and that means cruelty-free. No testing on animals. Full stop.

Plus, for many enlightened women, cosmetics should be vegan-friendly and without animal byproducts.  It’s more than just being natural for them, it’s about morality and “doing no harm.” 

Cruelty-Free Transcends Profits

Cruelty-free products are in RevitaLash® Cosmetics’ DNA. Along with several world-renowned cosmetics manufacturers (sadly, not all companies are cruelty-free), RevitaLash Cosmetics stands by their commitment to not exploit animals in manufacturing or testing. Even if it means RevitaLash Cosmetics can’t be fully marketed in places requiring animal testing, such as China. 

To paraphrase Dr. King… Don’t ask if something is expedient, or popular, or a safe choice.  Instead, ask if it’s right! 

Saying ‘Yes’ in a Very Mindful Way

Recently, RevitaLash Cosmetics created a series of exquisitely filmed videos focused on key ingredients, testing, and development of their award-winning line of lash, brow, and hair care products. 

You can check out the first in the series at (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7T0c6qDY1Y). See for yourself the commitment and care taken to develop the beautifully made beauty products you love... 100% vegan-friendly and always cruelty-free.

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