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7 Happiness-Inducing At-Home Activities

Mar 31, 20
Image of woman smiling wearing a facial mask and towel on her head

Recently, it feels like you can’t open your computer or phone without hearing more bad news. The heaviness of current events can be hard to digest and at times feel inescapable. During moments like this, it’s important to take time in the day to focus on your mental health and happiness. Just doing a simple task can take our mind to a better place - and showing yourself a little love is always a good idea. We put together a few of our favorite things to do to release endorphins and lower cortisol levels – read on to find out more!

Do a Mask  

Take advantage of being home and indulge in a face mask or a hair mask – or both (for those with more damaged strands, it’s a perfect opportunity to let your hair mask soak all day)! It may not feel like much, but glowing skin and shiny hair always makes us feel just that much better.

Work it Out

Elle Woods said it best – “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!”…we won’t finish the rest. Without your daily commute, take the extra time in your day to commit to an exercise routine. There are so many amazing (and free) resources for at-home workouts, from yoga to HIIT and more. You can even get your kids in on the fun (and get out their energy)!

Go on a Walk While Listening to Your Favorite Podcast

We’ve already touted the importance of Vitamin D – it’s an essential vitamin for good health and happiness. Take a break from work, turn off the news, throw on a good podcast and get outside. It’s the perfect way to break up your day and give your brain a moment to relax.

Read a Book

What better way to forget about your struggles than to get lost in someone else’s? Pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read and dedicate at least 20 minutes to it daily.

Give Yourself a Mani

Is it just us, or does everyone feel happier with a fresh coat of polish on their nails? Just because we can’t get to the salon doesn’t mean nails need to suffer. Bust out your nail file and favorite shade of polish – the brighter, the better!

Indulge in a Bath

In our everyday lives, taking time for a bath often feels indulgent. Who has time to soak in a tub when there’s laundry to do, mouths to feed and emails to respond to? Since life has slowed down for most of us, it’s the perfect time to light a candle, put on some music, grab some essential oils or Epsom salts and forget about, well, everything.

Show Your Lashes & Brows Extra Love

Quarantine happens to be the perfect excuse to not wear makeup and allow your skin to breathe. It also happens to be a great time to show your lashes and brows a little extra love with RevitaLash® Advanced and RevitaBrow® Advanced. Formulated with fortifying ingredients like Biotin and Peptides, these ingredients will nourish your lashes and brows for a more improved* and defined** appearance. Not only will you emerge from quarantine with flutter-worthy lashes and bold brows, you’ll look a little more put together for unexpected FaceTime calls!


*98% experienced improved lash appearance. Survey results from an independent 6-week consumer study of 63 participants.

**94% experienced more defined-looking brows. Survey results from an independent 8-week consumer study of 112 participants.

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