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How to Keep Your Makeup as Sanitary as Your Hands

Apr 07, 20
Image of 2 RevitaBrow Advanced Eyebrow Conditioners side by side

We’ve learned a ton about the importance of cleanliness in the last few months. Though many of us probably considered ourselves pretty sanitary to begin with, most of us probably weren’t wiping down Amazon boxes upon delivery or deep cleaning our houses multiple times a week. Yet sanitization shouldn’t stop at your hands, your home or even your groceries. Makeup and cosmetic brushes are often overlooked, yet you’d be surprised (and probably grossed out) at the bacteria that grows on these surfaces. Below, we share a few of our favorite tips on how to keep your makeup as sanitary as your hands. 

Cleanse Your Brushes

One often overlooked yet extremely important rule for good hygiene is routinely washing your cosmetic brushes. Dermatologists recommend washing makeup brushes once a week at a minimum. Frequent cleanses don’t only prevent bacteria buildup (which leads to breakouts), but also extends the life of your brushes, keeps your makeup more sanitary and creates a better makeup application. There are dozens of cleansers made specifically for brushes, but your face wash or dish soap, like Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Dish Soap, also work just as well! Let’s also not forget about tools like tweezers and eyelash curlers – use isopropyl alcohol to clean them monthly.

Throw Your (Old) Makeup Away

That three-year-old lipstick that you only use for special occasions? Time to throw it out! All products have a PAO on the back or bottom, which stands for Period After Opening, and is the guideline for how long to keep your product on your shelf. The PAO icon looks like an open jar, and will have a number with the letter M next to it – 6M equals 6 months, 12M equals 12 months, and so on. But, as a rule of thumb, if you can’t remember the last time you used a product, it’s probably time to throw it out!

Store Products Correctly

After applying makeup or skincare, always make sure to tightly close bottles and containers. Never leave products loose or open, as it can allow bacteria in. It’s also best to store makeup at room temperature, since bacteria often grows in warmer environments. If necessary, store products in the fridge to keep sanitary and prolong their longevity.

Never Share!

We know it’s tempting to try your best friends’ favorite new mascara, but it’s best to refrain. Sharing makeup may seem harmless, but it’s a very easy way to contract some potentially serious medical issues.


On the market for some new makeup? Shop our favorites below!


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